Sometimes we may need to check the error log for our applications. It is a bit troublesome to check the logs. Thanks to slack notifier, we can now receive our error logs real time.
Behaviour driven test is important in agile development. Sometimes, we may face issue when development new function and it crashes the previous built function. It is dangerous if it’s test manually by human and it’ll take up quite a lot of time when repeating the test manually.
We have done many file uploading with paperclip and it has been very helpful in helping us to resize, compress, and reformat our attached files. However, we will face timeout issue when some users are trying to upload a large file or the internet is slow.
In some cases, we would like to provide the flexibility to users on editing their content while viewing the content. Best in place is one of the most helpful plugins to provide inline editing feature.
Select2 has a good feature in helping users to search record from a dropdown select option.
However, we should optimize the record by having ajax loading from the database.
Using the S3 direct upload in Rails is a nice way to give the user an indication that something is happening, whilst avoiding any timeout behaviour that is often seen in Heroku.